We traveled over the pass to Salem on Sunday morning so the guys could check out the gold show. Wouldn't you know it - when we got up, it was snowing. We had to drive in it for about 2 1/2 hours before it turned to rain.
Tripcheck reported 153" at Santiam Pass on Sunday morning. This was the view most of the way. Our mascot Murphy rides with us in the green Element which is nicknamed Murphy. Our Irish friend, LA named it for us!

The trees in the background are from a forest fire several years ago. A very big one. They used to look like the trees in the middleground. :( The ride back was fairly uneventful - other than it took us way longer because of #1 - people weren't prepared, #2 - end of spring break, #3 - people don't know how to drive. The folks going 20 mph need to get out of the way!! Or, put chains on. Or, better yet, get some decent tires.

So, after Sunday, it started to warm up - very gradually. Was 19ยบ the last few mornings for our walk. Thought that was over......... By afternoon, though, has been upper 50's and low 60's. So, time to work on the garden! Yipee!! Dean built a couple of large raised beds.

I cleaned out last year's garden area. This is the retaining wal that was built, then came tumbling down (see Feb 2 post....)

The columbine is beginning to peek through

And the sedums are growing fast.
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