Girls win, girls win, girls win!!!!!!!
Yep, Carol and I beat Larry and Dean at Sequence. They came for dinner on Saturday and we played 4 games and we won 3 of them - close, yes. But I'm pretty stoked anyway. 
This is my new little friend. He (she? - can't tell without getting in the fence - which I won't....) comes up to the fence every morning as we're walking by. I go over and give him (her?) a scratch. Cute little thing - but awfully lonely. He (she?) is at about 1 and 3/4 miles into our walk, so a nice break.

We've had a dusting of snow again several mornings. This little group was out for their morning walk, too.
Working on the garden Got a load of mushroom compost, a
big load of nice planting soil, and then this
huge load of well aged horse manure. Things will grow really well.

Poor Dean - taking a break from rototilling in the manure. That's the nice planting soil on the left, and the manure tilled in the raised bed at the bottom. Since I don't have a fence yet, I can only plant in last years fenced area, so put cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage in there for now. Have several other things starting in the house - just waiting for the weather to cooperate.

As a side, we're going down to "the hole" (aka the Sandbagger) this Friday night to hear the local guys do their version of the Eagles song "Seven Bridges Road" They are amazingly good.
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