So - you get the idea that it was
REALLY cold. This is the view from under the awning on the tent trailer.

Then - - - the snow melted and, guess what! All the water ran down the driveway..... What a mess we had!!!!

and the rain and snow melt came through the roof which doesn't yet have shingles.............. I counted 12 different containers collecting drips, spaced throughout the house. We either shop-vac'd the water, or caught it in containers, or swept it out the door. That shop vac holds a lot of water and it didn't take long to fill it - and empty it - and fill it - and empty it..... This happens to be the bedroom/master bath area. On the right, you'll notice the ductwork -- the furnace was being installed.

This is Dean up on the roof during the rain and wind - notice the bright yellow rainsuit jacket - installing tarps to keep out
some of the water. By the time he was finished, the roof was covered in black and blue tarps. Very attractive! The white you see below the wood panels of the house is the foundation - go back a few posts for more info. The dark grey is where we had sealed some of the Styrofoam.

Back to the inside work - too wet outside - well, inside, too, as a matter of fact! We put in the stone surround in back of where the woodstove was to be installed. I laid out the stones by size and handed them to Dean as he needed them. See the yellow bucket to the left - yup - it's catching water..........

Guess what??????? The shingles are being installed!!!!!!! Yeaa

Shingles to the left - blue tarp being removed.

We're really moving along now. The deck is being installed. Notice the triangle shape on the left? We sent a template of the window showing inside and outside - and they sent totally the wrong window. We reordered, and they sent it wrong again! Backwards - the drain holes on the wrong side. So, we said, whatever - we're not sending it back again!

The deck from the master bedroom doorway...

The house is all wrapped up (too late for Christmas...) and Dean is painting trim so the guys can put on the gutters. This photo is way out of order - I could move it, but, oh well......

So, guess what this is? Our HOT tub!

Lucky for us, the crew that did our deck, siding, and gutters was here and helped carry it around the house.....


ever so carefully.....

hoist it up onto the deck

over Mr Lennox cardboard so as not to harm the new deck........or the new hot tub!

into place.........

ahhhhhhh - success! Now, if we only had electricity and water to fill it! This lovely day was February 7th - at 4pm

Stay tuned for further updates