Sunday, July 5, 2009


It has been a busy weekend in our busy lives. Saturday, all 3 of us spent much of the day working down at the annual Lions Club Buffalo Feed here on the ranch. Dean and Shannon went down about 8 AM to set up (Dean) and begin cooking the baked beans (Shannon). I never got to taste the beans because they ran out twice, but Shannon would have done the recipe a bit differently, I think. Next year, I think we'll do a cook-off style competition and I think it will be more successful.
I showed up a little later and stayed until about 2:30. The parade began a little after 10AM and was really fun. There were lots of horses, floats from various businesses in the area, the Red Hat ladies in their golf carts, and lots of neat classic cars. The Buffalo Feed was extremely busy from before starting time (supposed to begin after the parade) until about 1:30, then things tapered off. I think we did more business this year than any, so that is a good thing. The weather was VERY HOT! When I got home, it was 101ยบ. I rather expected that there wouldn't be as much business because of the heat, but what do I know!
We were going to go into Redmond to watch the fireworks with our neighbors, but all of us were too tired to move. We did, however, watch some of nature's fireworks (lightening) in the sky southeast of us.
This morning, Dean and I went into Bend to church and were honored and blessed to have guest pastor, Cynthia, from a UCC church in Washington. In the photo below is LM, Cynthia's one year old son, checking out Dean's beard. He was quite fascinated - LM, that is! Well, Dean was, too, because he loves the little ones!!
When we got home after some more of the Bend-style shopping trip, Shannon had finished the floor in the "guest house" and was working on the loft-style bed frame. He and Dean worked the remainder of the day on that project.
It's coming along nicely!
The weather was hot again today, but cooled down this evening and promises to be rather pleasant for the next several days. Thankfully!

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