I'm back again......... Been a long, but good week (OK - more than a week, Becki......) Jim and Janet arrived on Sunday, the 13th and we were lucky that Gary was on a layover in Redmond, so he and Nikki came out for dinner. So, I had (wanted....) to take a 3 generation picture. Nikki is almost 16 and is a pretty neat girl! We're sorry that Teresa couldn't join us because of a previous commitment, but looking forward to their next trip through town.

Monday morning, we packed up and went up to Elk Lake. Found a good campsite at a small campground and pretty much had the place to ourselves. Except for Tuesday night when a band of partiers decided to invade. They showed up around 11 and had a good time till about 3 AM. Dean was so tired he slept through it all, but the rest of us were trying everything including covering our heads with pillows and stuffing cotton in our ears. Nothing helped! The next morning, the campground people came through and filled 2 large trash bags with cans and bottles. Arrrggghhhh!! But that was the only "rain on our parade", thank goodness. The mosquitoes were not even that bad.

Roasting peppers on the campfire - veggie packets on the coals. Yummmm!

Little Miss "I'm afraid of water" Abby had a pretty good time, too. She likes to wade and try to drink the lake dry, but anything past her belly is a no-no. Dean coaxed her into his kayak and, though he has some scars from her nails, she was pretty proud of herself!

Way out there in the lake!

She is smiling

Janet and I kayaked every day. In the background (Neecer) is South Sister. Janet is paddling toward the Elk Lake Resort where we tied up next to the sailboats and read for a while, then went "ashore" and got an ice cream cone. Ahhh, the life!

Stretching out and getting the feet tanned.

The guys spent their time fishing, but the results were not too encouraging. They did take a pretty good sized fish home for their neighbors.

All in all, a VERY relaxing trip. More in the next post.
While the scenery is beautiful, are you camping? Camping? You lost me there. Glad you had fun!
Gary sure turned out to be a good looking guy!! Both Gary & Tom were cute "lil boys" though, so I guess I'm not that surprised after all. I do read this blog, Sue--thanks to Dean giving me the webpage way back when you started it. I have commented a couple of times, but didn't know if they went through or not-they never showed up, so guess not. No big deal--
I enjoy reading it, regardless-more power to you living over there-it is enough for me to visit Central OR. a couple of times a yr. Keep blogging--Trish
Don't you like that I signed my name to an "anonymous" blog--didn't know what else to check out of the choices, I guess. LOL!! No big deal-I'm sure everyone knows I'm Dean's "EX"-so what?
Will try something else this time & see if this is what I was supposed to check-
Yep, it previewed ok, so guess if I hadn't signed my name to the 1st comment it would have been ok, like I really care-Trish
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