L to R are Amanda, Jeremy, husband of Tamara who is holding little Maggie, Karen, mother of Amanda, Tamara and Matthew, Shannon, Bonnie, the youngster of the family, Karen's friend, Nora, and Matthew.

A lot of time was spent watching the babies do cute baby things!
Here is Tamara and Maggie

and Karen doing Grandma duties with Mattu - his name is really Matthew, like his father's, but he's been nick named Mattu...... or Matt 2

More chatting - Dean, Karen holding Mattu, Matthew's wife, Amy, Matthew taking photos, and Shannon

Amanda's husband Nathan picked some or our fresh hops to take back to a brewer friend

This is Gary, Dean's middle son, who was able to spend the weekend with us. Unfortunately, his wife Teresa couldn't make it because she was taking care of Gary's mother, Dianne who recently had a stroke. Gary is a long haul trucker and was able to get a load to Bend so he could be with us. Also in the photo is Gary's buddy, Charlie, who keeps him company. A really sweet dog.

Another "sitting around" photo. Too bad it's not closer. Clockwise from lower left is Dean's granddaughter and Gary's daughter, Nikki, Karen, Bonnie, Larry and Carol, their granddaughter Cassie, her mother, Angie, and her husband, Martin, Dean, Nora, and Amanda.

Little Mattu held his bottle all by himself for the first time, so I had to document the occasion!!

Tamara, Karen, Dean and Matthew are going through a box of old family photos and momentos

Maggie is such a happy little girl - she was always smiling!

Proud Daddy Matthew

Amy and Matthew - and little Mattu, barely visible

Tamara and Maggie

Carol, Larry, Cassie, Angie, Martin, Dean, and Nora

Grandma Karen and Mattu

Great uncle Larry had to hang out with Mattu, too!

We all had a great weekend - sorry that everyone couldn't be here, but you just can't come up with a date that fits for all. Maybe next time!
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